Monday, January 21, 2008

His Eye is on the Sparrow aka me

So, I have been feeling a little discouraged when it comes to the future. When I say future, I mean multiple things: dating, marriage, society, friendships, etc. The only hope is Jesus and the comfort and care that one can receive from Him.

I love the lyrics to the song "His Eyes Are on The Sparrow" or "His Eye is on The Sparrow." My favorite lines: Why should I feel discouraged? When Jesus is my portion... His eyes are on the sparrow.

I know that God has plans for my life. I try to play the game of "I'm in control"--it's so funny because I am never going to win; I just am so human that I have the tendency to plan plan plan. God knows what is going to happen next month and the months to come. I can bare the cross if my hope, faith, and trust is in Him alone; Christ has conquered and I depend on him to reveal to me the areas that he is giving to me. I ask for a few things: to get married, to do well at work to help others become better people and to become more the man or woman that God has made them to be, I want to share about Jesus--because Jesus loves everyone. Everyone deserves to know the power of Christ and the see miracles, transformation, and eventually: heaven.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Beginning a new blog

I used to own but some jerk-face stole my email account and tried to steal a bunch of other things like MONEY FROM MY ACCOUNT! ahhhhhhhh...justice shall be served. OH IT HAS. thanks God!